Picture of Principal Sauner

Dear Chaney Middle School Scholars and Families, 

I hope everyone is having a great summer and finding time to rest and relax! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your new principal. My name is Mike Sauner, and I can't express enough how excited I am to be joining the Cowboy family and to be given the opportunity to serve our staff, school, community, and scholars. With that being said, I wanted to share some information about myself.

I have spent 15 years in public education and during that time I served as a high school math teacher, a coach, an assistant principal, an athletic director, and a building principal at the intermediate, middle, and high school levels. I truly believe in servant leadership, and I would also like to think my leadership style reflects my understanding of the importance of collaborative leadership, the ability to plan, the ability to develop relationships, and academic program development as well as implementation.  Furthermore, I strongly believe that fostering strong working relationships and creating a sense of family throughout the school is a driving force behind enhancing the school environment and culture.

Finally, I know that clear and consistent communication, along with establishing rapport, is vital, I will be striving to create time to spend with each of you to get to know each of you better. The CMS staff is extremely excited to welcome back our scholars and kick off a fantastic school year! As always, GO COWBOYS!!!



Mike Sauner