State Report Card
Last Year Report Card - 2016-17
2016-2017 YCSD State Report Card
Our report card shows that we have a long way to go to get to where we want our children and our school district to be. We have made some improvements, increasing from a C to a B on the K-3 Literacy component and jumping more than 5 percent on our five-year graduation rate.
But we know we have a long way to go. We're starting a new process of shorter-term assessments for students district wide. Those assessments will enable our teachers to determine how well students are learning and grasping their instruction so they can adjust accordingly. These assessments will occur three times per year.
Additionally, results of the new assessments will be shared with students and parents showing two scores. The one score shows how the individual student fared compared to all other students across the country and the the other score shows the student's performance. We also have an even more intense focus on reading this school year, increasing the amount of time each day that students spend honing their reading or English Language Arts skills.
Krish Mohip
Chief Executive Officer