Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC)
Madonna Barwick, Teacher Chair
Crystal Hawthorne, Admin Chair
James Courim, Teacher Rep
Quiana Faison, Admin Rep
Christina Lanterman, Teacher Rep
Lori Warr-Madura, Teacher Rep
Karen Klem, Admin Rep
Dawn Walton, Admin Rep
Abbey Boggs, Teacher Rep
If you have any questions, please contact a committee member directly via district email: [first name].[last name]@youngstown.k12.oh.us
LPDC Meetings
During this time, committee members review IPDP's, approve coursework, review and process license renewal applications, and any additional business items needing committee review.
2024 - 2025 LPDC Meeting Dates
PC Bunn Elementary - 4:30 pm
September 23, 2024
October 28, 2024
November 25, 2024
January 27, 2025
February 24, 2025
March 24, 2025
April 28, 2025
May 12, 2025
June 16, 2025@ 1pm
The purpose of the LPDC committee is to review the course work and other professional development activities proposed and completed by educators within the district to determine if the requirements for renewal of certificates or licenses have been met. The LPDC meets monthly during the school year to review and pre-approve IPDPs, approve coursework, review and process license renewal applications, and any additional business items needing committee review. Every employee who currently holds a 5-year professional license and plans to renew will need to be in contact with the committee.
All educators (teaching, non-teaching, and associate personnel, including interpreters and treasurers) who:
Hold a certificate, professional or an associate or career technical workforce development 5-year license; and
Are employed full- or part-time in the school, school district, agency or institution the LPDC represents; and
Wish to fulfill the license renewal requirements
Resident Educators and Alternative Resident Educator license holders
Provisional Career Technical Workforce Development license holders
Alternative Administrative Educator license holders
Supplemental or 1-year Out-of-State license holders
Professional Pupil Services license holders (i.e, school nurse, school social worker)
Permanent certificate license holders
The process for license renewal requires educators who are employed in the schools of Ohio to work with the LPDC in their district. Educators must have a pre-approved Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) approved by the LPDC before they take any professional development to renew their licenses. The professional development must align with the goals and objectives on their IPDP. CEU stands for Continuing Education Unit. One CEU is equal to 10 contact hours. The State of Ohio requires every licensed educator to complete 18 CEU's for renewal of their license. This can be done in several ways: University credit only-6 semester hours (or 9 quarter hours); 180 contact hours; or any combination of college credits and CEU's.
YCSD LPDC 2024-2025
ODE Website
OH ID Portal
CORE Applicant User Manual
BCI/FBI Background Check FAQ
Youngstown City School LPDC IRN# 008898
DOCUMENTS AND FORMS The license renewal process continues with completion of the Activity Record and Reflection of Professional Development form (if needed). The completed Activity Record below will serve as your license renewal application. Once completed, email the Google spreadsheet to the LPDC at ycsd.lpdc@youngstown.k12.oh.us
Activity Record
Reflection of Professional Development
If applicable:
ODE Verification Form (NOTE: Only needed if you are transferring contact hours from a previous District)
Job-Embedded/EOA Guidelines & Criteria List
Job-Embedded/EOA Activity Record
Job-Embedded/EOA Request Form