Youngstown Board of Education

Youngstown Board of Education group photo

Bottom Row from left: Tina Cvetkovich, Brenda Kimble, and Carie Watson. Top row from left: Juanita Walker, Kenneth Donaldson; Joseph Meranto, and Tiffany Patterson.

Juanita Walker, President
Tina Cvetkovich, Vice President
Kenneth Donaldson
Brenda Kimble
Joseph Meranto
Tiffany Patterson
Carie Watson

2024-2025 Scholar Board Members

Jasmine Cowan (Chaney High School)
Mariell Lee (East High School)
Dyonn Perry (East High School)
Aiden Kearns (Youngstown Rayen Early College High School).

Meeting Sessions
The Youngstown City School Board of Education meets in regular sessions at 5:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. During the summer, meetings begin at 4:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Commons Area of Choffin Career and Technical Center, 200 E. Wood St.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Youngstown City School District Board of Education is to provide responsible public policy and to practice effective and efficient governance of all resources to promote teaching and learning excellence that enables all students to successfully achieve.