ELA Resources
AIR Updates:
It is recommended that you view multiple grade levels to see the difference of test questions, as any question type may appear on the test students will take this year.
Useful AIR Links:
Ohio's Testing Portal Main Page - Blueprints, practice tests, and updates, etc...
ELA Blueprints - Grades 3-10.
Informative/Explanatory Writing Rubric - Grades 3-5.
Opinion Writing Rubric - Grades 3-5.
Informative/Explanatory Writing Rubric - Grades 6-12.
Argumentative Writing Rubric - Grades 6-12.
Student tutorials for the AIR platform are available, as well. The sign-in and navigation videos are here. The testing tools videos are here .
" PRACTICE TEST SITE" Guidance Document: This document provides guidance for the online practice tests and released items, including an overview of the available tests, how to sign into the Student Practice Site, and the available features.
Question Type Tutorials:
Constructed Response: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to enter text. Note: no audio.
Writing Extended Response: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to enter text. Note: No audio.
Multi-Select: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to select any number of answers from available options. Note: No audio.
Multiple Choice: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to select an answer from several options. Note: No audio.
Hot Text Item: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to select or drag text.Note: No audio.
Matching Test Item: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to match items in a table. Note: No audio.
Evidence Based Selected Response: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to answer a two part question. Note: No audio.
Gap Match Question: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to select and drag objects from an object bank into an answer space. Please note there is no audio.
Grid Item Question: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to place, move, or interact with objects, or draw points or lines. Please note there is no audio.
Inline Choice Question: This tutorial demonstrates how to respond to questions that require the student to select an option from a dropdown menu. Please note there is no audio.
Simulation Question Type: This tutorial demonstrates how to interact with questions that require the student to make choices and run a simulation. Please note there is no audio.
Performance Level Descriptors:
The Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) are the link between Ohio's Learning Standards and Performance Standards. They were developed by Ohio educators and other content experts to recommend the most appropriate implementation of content and skills for Ohio's State Tests for English Language Arts.
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
In addition, there are other states that have administered AIR and have released practice tests. Although these were not created by Ohio, you will find differences, these may be helpful to use with your students.
Keep in mind Ohio will not test grammar separately (see writing rubrics above), as these states show. There are also no plans to assess speaking & listening skills and there will be no videos.