Aaron Brown
Coordinator of Attendance 330-575-2025
Brian Marrow
Coordinator of Attendance 330-744-3027
Loretta Sasinouski
Attendnace Secretary
Youngstown City School District believes that scholars should attend school everyday. The best way for us to educate our scholars is when they are here. The links on the left discuss our policies and most asked questions regarding attendance.
Student success starts with attendance and engaged learning, either in person or remotely. Students who are absent from school or remote education experiences miss important learning opportunities, which can be difficult, or even impossible, to make up. The mission of the Stay in the Game! Keep Learning, Every Day Network (the Stay in the Game! Network) is to prioritize attendance by connecting its users to resources aimed at tackling chronic absenteeism. The Cleveland Browns Foundation, Ohio Department of Education, and Proving Ground are deeply committed to this mission.
The Stay in the Game! Network is an adaptation of Get 2 School, Stay in the Game! Network. The name change reflects the current environment where schools may not necessarily be able to host in-school learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No matter the circumstances, the Network will continue to encourage students to maintain a strong educational-going mindset and keep learning, every day.
Stay in the game website:

Click here to see how attendance hours add up