Early Entrance Kindergarten
Early Entrance Kindergarten
Youngstown City Schools appreciates the interest that you have shown in the the Early Entrance to Kindergarten program.
Please review the parameters set forth by the Youngstown City School District for Early Entrance, as well as the additional resources provided on this website.
If you feel that your child should be evaluated for early Entrance to Kindergarten, please contact Michele McCaughtry, Coordinator of Gifted Services. You will be contacted to schedule your child’s screening and evaluation as soon as the necessary paperwork and forms are received.
You will need to give written permission in order for your child to participate in the screening process.
Please feel free to contact the Department of Gifted Services at 330-744-8581 if you have further questions about our Early Entrance to Kindergarten procedures and policy.
Thank you,
Michele McCaughtry
Coordinator Of Gifted Services
E-mail: Michele.McCaughtry@youngstown.k12.oh.us
Phone: (330)744-8581