Human Resources

Mission and Vision

The YCSD Department of Human Resources strives to be a customer service oriented knowledgeable team dedicated to recruiting & retaining a diverse workforce of highly-qualified leaders dedicated towards supporting our scholars and the Youngstown community.

Nuestra Misión

El Departamento de Recursos Humanos de YCSD esfuerza por ser un equipo informado orientado al servicio al cliente dedicado a reclutar y retener una fuerza laboral diversa de líderes altamente calificados dedicados a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y a la comunidad de Youngstown.

You Belong #YCSDFamily

Human Resources

Director of Talent Acquisition, Professional Learning and Development
Crystal M. Hawthorne
(330) 744-8021

Human Resources Generalist

Joe Southerland
Phone (330) 744-2675

Workers Compensation/Unemployment
Administrators/Exempt Personnel/Student Helpers/Coaches

Francine Wilson
Phone: (330) 744-6927

Secretaries/Educational Assistants
Transportation/Food Service/Non-Certified Personnel

Debra Caffey
Phone: (330) 744-6928

Certified Teachers

Rhonda Gianfrancesco
 Phone: (330) 744-6909 

  FMLA/Leave of Absence
AESOP/Frontline Central/Time & Attendance