Fall Fantasy Parades cover art

On Thursday, August 10th, the YCSD Marching Band will perform in the Fall Fantasy Parade series at Kennywood Amusement Park!The performance is an excellent opportunity for our scholar musicians to spend the day in the park free of charge. At 6:00 p.m., the parade begins, and this year, our district marching band will once again be in the lead position. Any current 9th-12th grade scholars are still eligible and welcome to join the Marching Band. Rehearsals are Monday thru Friday, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., in the East High School band room. If you want to go to Kennywood for free with us, then come to practice and join the band! No experience is necessary, just commitment and determination. Please get in touch with our directors if you have any questions: shawn.marko@youngstown.k12.oh.us  steven.ferenczy@youngstown.k12.oh.us