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The Ohio State University Office of Diversity and Inclusion Young Scholars Program celebrates its 35th anniversary this month. Youngstown City Schools is honored to have partnered with YSP since its inception. The Youngstown program is one of only nine public school districts in the state that offers our scholars this pathway to professional, career, and academic development.

We sincerely thank OSU YSP for its partnership and collaboration over the years. Hundreds of scholars have participated in YSP and graduated from OSU to pursue advanced degrees and work for companies such as Nike and Disney.

YCSD especially thanks YSP Youngstown Program Manager Tiffany Payiavlas. Tiffany works tirelessly on our scholarsā€™ behalf. Her dedication and commitment are beyond anything that we could ask for.

Congratulations, YSP! Youngstown City Schools looks forward to many more years in partnership. Please watch this special message from Superintendent Jeremy Batchelor thanking OSU YSP for all they have done. 

Applications open for 8th graders in January. Learn more about YSP here: https://odi.osu.edu/young-scholars-program