The Superintendent Teacher and Staff Advisory Council cohort recently held their first meeting for the 23-24 school year. The council comprises of 17 teachers and staff members across the district. Members were selected through an application process by Superintendent Batchelor for their diverse experiences and insight they could bring to the council. The council's overall goals are to encourage open dialogue about best practices and offer opportunities to provide direct insight into the classroom and the district at large. Congratulations to the 23-24 cohort!
Ruth Sanchez -Taft
Marc Ellis -Kirkmere
Melissa Cooper -REC
Jennifer Cika -Wilson Alternative
Victor Arcenio - East High School
Amy Gordiejew -Chaney High School
TaNeka Hogan Allison -Choffin CTC
Pauline Gaps - Volney
Robin Waldorf-East Middle School
Victoria Briggs -East High School
Tim Gallagher -Chaney High School
Darla James-Central Office (Parent Pathways)
Aaron Brown -Central Office (Attendance)
Aquana Mitchell -Choffin CTC (Nurse)
Mary Boyd -Choffin CTC (Social Work)
Toni Roseta - Kirkmere (School Counselor)
Tonya Bunkley-Thornton (YREC)