College Credit Plus (CCP)
College Credit Plus (CCP) is an initiative in Ohio that was created to help students in Grades 7-12 earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from institutions of higher learning!
The purpose of the CCP program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college- bound students. Taking a college course from a public college or university College Credit Plus is free for students. That means no cost for tuition, books or fees if you attend public school in the state of Ohio. If you choose to attend a private college or are homeschooled, you may have limited costs.
What is CCP? A message from the Ohio Department of Higher Education! Please take a moment to review the information on this page to find important forms and frequently asked questions.
Annual Presentation for parent/guardian information.
Need More Information?
Families will have the opportunity to attend a family information night each year where information is provided by the district and universities from the area.
Family Information Night 2024 will be December 4, 2024 at Choffin Career and Technical Center. Doors open at 3:45. Presentation begins at 4 pm.
YCSD 2024 Family Information Night Letter
An FAQ is located at the bottom of this page and may provide additional information for parent(s)/guardian(s).
Contact your scholar's school counelor to answer any addtional questions. You can also contact the District CCP Coordinator, Tiffany Varney at
How it works
Students complete a letter of intent and submit the form to their school counselor. This form allows the district to know the family is interested in participation. The student will complete all testing and entrance requirements for their university of choice. Students can not test without a completed letter of intent. If the student meets entrance requirements they will be required to attend all registration and scheduling events with the university and communicate their schedule and books needs to their school counselor
Who can participate in CCP?
Students who attend Youngstown City Schools who are currently and actively enrolled in grades 7-12. Students who are graduated can not participate in CCP programming.
Only students who meet entrance requirements of the university will be able to participate in the CCP programming. Completing a letter of intent does NOT guarantee participation.
What if I am a homeschool student in the Youngstown City School District?
More information can be found here for homeschool (and non public) families.
When do you sign up?
Parents/Guardians must complete a Letter of Intent to particpate by April 1st (in the school year prior to intent to participate) in order to be considered a candidate to participate in CCP. This letter must be completed every year, but testing only occurs once for entrance. Letters can be turned in during the Parent Information Night or submitted to your school counselor prior to April 1st.
Letter of Intent to Participate in CCP
When is testing for the 24-25 school year?
This year scholars will have the opportunity to take placement testing for YSU during the day at the following locations.
Chaney Middle School- December 9th
East High School- December 10th
East Middle School/Wilson/Virtual December 11th
Chaney High School- December 12th
REC MS December 13th
To review the district testing calendar please visit and scroll to the bottom of the page.
What happens if my scholar misses the district testing day?
If your scholar misses school or supplies a letter of intent after testing in the district there will be one additional onsite opporunity during the spring conferences at specific locations.
A family can chose to test at the university at any time. No other testing events will be scheduled outside of what is currently on the district calendar.
Scholar Qualification to Participate:
Qualification of participation is set and defined by the University your scholar is planning to attend.
Students must take entrance testig exam and meet all entrance requirements to each university that they apply.
What are my student's academic and social responsibilities?
A student will be expected to follow the rules and regulations set by the college/university, and the rules and regulations set for high school students detailed in the student handbook. Once enrolled, a student is eligible to receive advising from campus-based support services of that institution. Additionally, a student will continue to have access to their school counselor and all other resources available to high school students. Participation in College Credit Plus does not guarantee you admission to college after high school. You should follow the regular undergraduate application process for whatever college you plan to attend after high school.
28 traits of a college ready student
Where can my student take courses?
Courses can be taken in person or online. If a student takes courses on the campus it is the responsibility of the student/family to arrange private transportaiton. The WRTA can be used to shuttle between the high school and campus. Your school counselor needs to be informed in order to ensure a student schedule has all courses needed to meet Ohio Graduation Requirements.
Grades and Credits
Taking a College Credit Plus course means that a student is earning high school and college credit at the same time. College credits are converted to Carnegie Units and will appear on both the high school transcript and a college. Credits taken at the university will be applied to meet Ohio Graduation Requirements.
Yes. High school credit awarded for courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus will appear on your high school transcript. Courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus must be listed by course title on the high school transcript. All College Credit Plus courses will be computed into the GPA using the same scale as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or honors courses in your district, based on the common subject area - not curriculum - of the weighted advanced standing class/course.
Classes failed or withdrawn with an “F” (or equivalent failing grade) will receive an “F” on the high school and college transcripts and will be computed into the high school and college GPA. Students who Fail a course may be ineligible to participate in CCP the following semester or beyond and are subject to not meeting Ohio Graduation Requirements in some cases.
What is the difference between Youngstown Early College and CCP?
Students who are enrolled in Youngstown Early College do NOT need to apply for CCP. Early College high schools are dual credit programs and do not require admission to the university.
How does CCP impact athletic eligibility?
If you are a student athlete, you must remain eligible in accordance with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) bylaws. Please check with your counselor to ensure that the course work you are taking is compliant with OHSAA. For example, college courses taken in the summer term do not impact OHSAA eligibility.
Please work with your high school counselor, athletic director, and Ohio High School Athletic Association for additional information.
What if I am uncomfortable with the University course content being taught?
"The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs."
How do I access my scholars college grades?
Students taking College Credit Plus courses are considered both high school and college students. When a minor-aged student progresses through a K-12 school, the parents and guardians have the right to access educational records and additional information on their student. However, when a student attends a college or university, these rights transfer to the student regardless of their age. This letter outlines options for parent or guardian access to the student’s college records. The school district does not have continuous access nor can they call on behalf to obtain student records at the college/university.