YCSD District Assessments
YCSD District Assessments
DIBELS Descriptions
NWEA Video Resource (English)
Who is NWEA? https://vimeo.com/230226438
NWEA Video Resource (en Espanol)
Who is NWEA? https://vimeo.com/233551613
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Suite of Assessments
Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT) Grades 8 and 9;
PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) Grades 10 and 11;
Illuminate District Interim Assessments in ELA and Math
Illuminate Training Resources: Administering - Reports - Scoring
Should parents or guardians need more information regarding the district assessments or policies please contact the Teaching & Learning Department.