Adapted Physical Education Department
Department of Psychological Services
Department of Psychological Services
Fran Blakey- Non-Public Schools, Gifted Assessments
Helena Chambers - Rayen Early College Middle School, Youngstown Rayen Early College High School, Preschool PAINT Assessments
Lyndsy Cox - Non-Public Schools, Leonard Kirtz
Alexandra Limperos - East High School, Harding Elementary, MCCTC, TCCTC
Stephanie McKelvey - East Middle School @P Ross Berry, M L King Elementary, P C Bunn Elementary, Virtual Academy, Wilson Alternative School
Mikalyn Mrozek - Chaney High School, Volney Elementary
Ashleigh Young - Chaney Middle School @McGuffey, Taft Elementary, Kirkmere Elementary
What do Psychologists do?
Psychologists conduct testing to help determine a student's eligibility for Special Education services. They conduct classroom observations of students and provide collaborative consultations to teachers, parents and mental health/service providers. Psychologists provide interpretation of psychological records and data.
What types of assessments do Psychologists conduct?
Psychologists provide the following individualized assessments:
Play-based assessments for preschool children (PAINT)
Transition testing for special needs preschool students entering Kindergarten
Testing for early entrance into Kindergarten
Initial assessments for children suspected of having a disability
Triennial evaluations (every 3 years) for continued special education eligibility
How are Psychologists part of the educational Team?
Psychologists assist in determining eligibility for Special Education services. Students suspected of having a disability may be identified as qualifying in one of the following areas: Specific Learning Disability; Cognitive Disability; Autism; Other Health Impaired; Emotional Disturbance; Multiple Disabilities; Hearing Impairment; Visual Impairment; Deaf-Blindness; Orthopedic Impairment; Traumatic Brain Injury; Speech/Language Impairment; or Developmental Delay (Preschool Only).