Parent Engagement Coordinators
Parent Resources for Remote Learning
Parent Resources
Reporting Absences
How to call off your scholar when absent
Google Classroom
We truly understand how difficult schooling has been due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic and we are here to help you! Google Classroom has become the "new" platform for teaching our children and we've provided some BASIC instructions on how to navigate this tool!
Click below:
"2020 The Parent's Guide to Google Classroom"
Introduction to the Chromebook

Be "in the know" with your child's school work progress by creating your Parent Account on Progress Book! It's easy, click below:
How to Create a Parent Account on Progress Book
How to use Progress Book (Video):
This video provides an overview of the Frontline ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app features:

Do you need help addressing your child's behavior in a more effective and positive way? Click below for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports Tips (PBIS) below by behavior levels:
Tier I Rubric
Tier II Rubric
Tier III Rubric

Parents! Stay connected with your child's school by using your cell phone through Remind101. It's easy as 1-2-3!
Check out our instructions on how to sign up here!

Would you like some more resources on how to be proactive with your child's education and school? Click on the link below for more information!
Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center

Parenting during Coronavirus is challenging! Here are some ideas that your children will love and keep boredom at bay!
Click below:
PBS Parent Resources, Tips and Activities