Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning Department supports teachers in their acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to deliver grade level content to all scholars though the use of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework. Our curriculum content support is guided by Ohio’s New Learning Standards which is critical in development of the curriculum maps and pacing guides. The department facilitates the use of the District Assessment Matrix that aligns Ohio's Grade Level Ohio Computer Based Assessments and End of Course State Assessments in all tested subjects. (ELA, MATH, SCIENCE, and SOCIAL STUDIES)
Jeremy J. Batchelor
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Coti Robinson
(330) 744-6926
Chief Academic Officer
Aaron Bouie III
Phone: 330-744-7999
Executive Director of Secondary Education (6-12)
Tiffany Varney
Phone: 330-744-8719
English Learner Program Coordinator
Dennis Yommer
Phone: 330-744-7960
K-12 STEAM Coordinator
Bridget Lambright-Tommelleo